SPDY installation

I am taking a course called “Latency in Communication Systems” taught by Martin Karsten in University of Waterloo. We talked about different aspects of latency in communication systems, there were some lectures from industry (Sandvine, TD Securites, RIM, and SUN/Oracle) about what were the different problems they were facing during their system implementation. I had also presented two papers on profiling and router performance during the course. My course project is the reason I am writing this post, I have to install and evaluate SPDY....

March 31, 2010 · 5 min · 989 words · Saman Barghi

The power of options

The library of Davis Center at University of Waterloo is a fairly popular place for students to spend their time studying. There is this quiet section, with separate study space for each student equipped with florescent lighting, where seems to be the most popular place in the library. Based on the time of day, if exams time is close or not, if it is a weekend or not, and some other parameters, two possible scenarios might happen; the place is either packed or is half empty....

March 16, 2010 · 6 min · 1271 words · Saman Barghi